Category: 2022 Feb

  • For Jonathan

    Men are weak to tears because they remind
    them that life is not a competition,
    that hardness of heart is not normal
    nor is it virtuous. Tears remind men of pride
    which is folly; for in all their
    strength, it takes a soft and tender heart to sit
    with the wounded. It takes vulnerability
    and what is that in the eyes of cold, domineering strength?
    It is a power that they cannot comprehend
    tears melt a man’s cold heart,
    tears trickle through the ice
    as they pass through rivers, seas and moats
    and in time, hard men shall embrace
    the tragic and beautiful reality
    of a warm heart’s giant roar.

  • It haunts

                The glint between my spectacle lenses

                                        I am far away

                                                                No more plastic smiles

                                                                No more concrete

                            Stony faces

                                                                            Crack in the ground, the road

                                                    hidden differently



                                                                            Not understanding

    Forever given to the future