Category: 2023 Jan

  • I’m always heartbroken

    In memory of you and me. All

    The time, happy. Sad.

    They are the same.

    To me, all tears flow downwards

    Like rivulets to the ocean.

    Happy crying becomes sad. So too

    Heartbreak slips into

    Times we had each other.

    Someone else in this big blue world,

    At least one.

    Like my heartbeat, the water cycle

    Passes along,

    The rain seeps into the soil

    It kills, it kisses. All

    Blended as if it is one thing.

  • Translation.

    Abot means reach. Kamay means hand.

    Abot-kamay means within reach, something you’re aiming to have, or something you worked hard for is almost at your fingertips.


    When you will be born on that fateful day,

    Wrapped in sterile white blankets

    And the heavy caress of a tired body,

    I will remember dreaming of you today,

    As I gaze into those brown eyes that awoke

    Drowned wet with tears this morning for the dream

    Of having you far off in the grey future and not being

    Able to hold you, all bloodied and crying, in the small

    Of my hands now, so wrinkled and far from worthy,

    Smelling of oranges and lemons, feeling softness.

  • I was always fascinated by the story of Babel

    Which could be said to be the story of mankind:

    “To become Gods” or “To find God” or “To kill God”.

    It is the story of ascent like that of mystics

    But with the spirituality of warriors, kings, and conquerors.

    I am a man, just a man, so I too think I know how men

    Think. We want to climb the tower, holy or not

    To achieve. Maybe we were uncomfortable in our baggy skins,

    Disgusted by our flesh that is so easily bruised… and our egos.

    As if in our old souls, we knew. That earth

    And our allotted lotteries were not enough—

    That there was something in us unfinished. Well, ironically,

    It took someone stepping down, somewhat from that

    Broken tower of ambition, to show us in all humility,

    Clothed in our skin but not in our ancient weakness,

    Not like Superman from the comic books but instead a poor criminal

    Broken to show us that to be truly human is to truly be like God.